Five Reasons Why You Should Work With a Local Payment Processor


Choosing the right payment processor can significantly impact your business’s efficiency and bottom line. While big, international companies might seem appealing, local payment processors, like Bevel,  offer unique advantages that can better serve your needs. Here are five reasons to consider a local payment processor.

Lower Fees

Local payment processors typically offer more competitive rates compared to their larger counterparts. With lower transaction fees, your business can save money, which can be reinvested in other areas. These savings can be especially beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses looking to maximize their resources.

Faster Problem Resolution

Proximity often translates to faster problem resolution. If you need to troubleshoot an issue, having a local partner means you can potentially meet in person to resolve it quickly. This face-to-face interaction can be invaluable in ensuring that problems are dealt with promptly and effectively, minimizing any potential disruption to your business operations.

Quicker Payouts

Local payment processors often provide quicker payouts, ensuring that your business has access to funds faster. With Bevel, for instance, you always get next day funding. This can improve cash flow and help you manage your finances more efficiently. Faster access to your money can be crucial, especially for businesses that rely on a steady cash flow to meet their operational needs.

In-Person Installation and Training

One significant advantage of working with a local payment processor is the ability to receive in-person installation and training. This hands-on support ensures that your payment systems are set up correctly and that your staff is fully trained to use them. This personal touch can lead to smoother operations and less downtime.

Personalized Customer Service

When you choose a local payment processor, you’re not just another number. Local companies, like us, pride themselves on providing personalized, high-quality customer service. If an issue arises, you can expect a quick and attentive response from someone who understands your business and the local market nuances. This level of service is often missing with larger, global companies where you might find yourself navigating automated systems and waiting on hold for extended periods.

All those reasons make working with local payment processors a compelling choice. Bevel offers all of these benefits, providing your business with the attention and tailored solutions it needs to thrive.

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