
5 Things Most Small Businesses Don’t Know About Payment Processing

What you don’t know can hurt you when your small business handles sensitive payment data. In fact, being unaware of the risks and responsibilities you inherently assume in payment processing can expose your business to fines, fees, and operational upheaval.

Why Is EMV More Secure?

First off, magnetic-stripe cards are pretty outdated, they’ve been around since the 1960’s. And surprisingly, the United States is one of the last countries to still have them around. EMV has been the standard in most parts of the world for

Why Your Business Should Consider EMV Compliance

It’s been a little more than a year since the October 2015 EMV liability shift took place. While major retailers like Macy’s, Walmart and Target have adopted the new technology, other businesses have hesitated to follow because they’re either afraid their

Credit Card Processing Explained

If you’re running a business, you could be leaving a lot of money on the table by not accepting credit card payments. According to Intuit, not accepting credit cards can cost the typical business $7,000 in annual sales. That said,

What’s Better for the Merchant: Debit or Credit?

If you’re a merchant who accepts both credit and debit cards, you’ve probably heard customers respond, “I don’t care” when asked if they’d like their card ran as credit or debit. If your customer doesn’t care how their card is

What You Need to Know About a Merchant Account

Are you in the process of finding a merchant account provider and setting up credit card processing services for your new business? Congratulations! You’re one step closer to success. If this is your first business, you’ve likely learned a lot

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